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Crosbies Hut and Table Mountain (2014)

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Date: Sat- Sun 14-18 May 2014

Location: Coromandel Range, Coromandel

Trip leaders: Anna Luo, Carmen Chan

Trampers: Aaron McPheters, Hamish Chan, Michelle Ye, Ita Perewira, Nick Zeniou, Carl Barnhill, Pierre Lun, Andrew Boyles

Table Mountain team: Sebastian Kalkoff, Bjoern Striebing, Maggie Xiong, Craig Smith, Kirsten Whittington, Cameron Brown, Paul Matheson

Originally a trip for 10, somehow we multiplied. The squad of 17 trampers drove down to Kaueranga visitors’ centre, and there we planned the day’s routes.

Top of peak 546.
Top of peak 546.

We would do a loop in both directions, one half the group starting in Whangaitenga campground, and the other in Wainora, to go up Cookson Kauri track.  But wait! With this track, only a 5-hour day? But oh look, Table Mountain is right next door… and with an apparent ridge-line to the summit…!

Thus, while Carmen led half the team across streams, sparkly views from peak 546, and up to the hut; scribe and the others decided to tackle the mysterious Table Mountain.


We started the day with an unmemorable, standard tramping track. It wasn’t until after the first stream-crossing, that with anticipation we looked for the beginning of the ridge up Table Mountain.

Several modes of navigation were employed. Not that we couldn’t work the compass! Ahem, not at all. But in a completely unrelated observation, GPS are pretty handy. Primitive methods are also effective; at about half a km from the start of the ridge, somehow, half the group were persuaded to count out loud the number of footsteps taken. We took turns to count ten numbers each, cumulating in 500, in our attempt to measure out 500m.

Our routes for the trip.
Our routes for the trip.

Despite these measures, the ridge up Table Mountain was found partly by chance. A vague track-like path heading into the bush was noticed and pursued, leading to the uncovering of a sternly-worded sign. Respectfully ignoring this faded warning from DOC about lost tracks, environmental perils and certain death, we eagerly pushed onwards. Hey look! Markers! Blue, orange, pink! Tape, tied to the trees and bush! Despite nothing marked on the map, we had found a track up Table Mountain.

We dropped our tents and some packs in the bush, but heeded wise words to ascend with “enough gear to survive the night”. Upwards, upwards! Wrong turns, losing sight of the markers, hopeless entanglement in vines and supplejack. Minor details, however, as overall the track was in outstanding condition. The first blast of air was a chilly surprise. Emerging from the undergrowth, onto the edge of the first cliff, we made a startling realisation: the view! It was spectacular. The Pinnacles were visible in the distance, the River Thames, the sea. A rolling green lawn of trees over the Coromandel ranges. Previous rumours of “Table Mountain has no views!” must be naught but lies, no doubt to protect the delicate ecosystem of wasps and bush lawyer from the otherwise heavy boots of marauding trampers. Evidence of recent human passing was found, interestingly, in the forms of a new steel cable attached to a tree (allowing easier clambering up a mudslope), and footholds cut into fallen trees.

         Route to the summit? - ascending the rock wall.
         Route to the summit? - ascending the rock wall.

Once everyone arrived safely, the rest of the evening was your standard tomfoolery. Games were played of cards, Mafia, toasting sugar-stuff, and disrupting the old ladies’ serious discussions about vacuum cleaners, knitting and cats.


On Sunday morning, an easy downhill stroll was broken only for a bit of splashing in the streams, and back at the cars to cook up a large batch of choc-chip pancakes.


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