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Gear Loan

How to borrow gear


Gear can be borrowed for use on AUTC trips (ie trips advertised via the mailing list/website) at no charge. Gear can only be borrowed by AUTC members, however an AUTC member may loan out gear on behalf of non-members if they are also attending. In which case the club member is responsible for returning the equipment.

  • Gear collection and return takes place by arrangement with the Gear Officer (, who can also answer enquires about availability, and further details or questions.

  • Gear loans must be placed by the sunday before your trip. Pickup will be the Thursday before your trip, and dropoff the Tuesday after you get back.

  • Non-club trips and non-members may loan gear for a fee which will be worked out on a case-by-case basis.

  • Bookings are taken on a first in first served basis, but with club members having first priority – we reserve the right to give gear booked by non-members to members with at least a weeks notice.

  • A return date will be arranged at the time of hire, and failure to meet this may result in further charges and/or removal of loan privileges.

  • Club-organised trips take priority for gear loans.

For tramping gear please fill out the gear loan form here: At this link

For alpine gear please see below and fill out the different alpine gear loan form

Gear we have available for loan

  • Sleeping bags

  • Boots

  • Packs

  • Tents (both tramping and car camping types, 2-4 person available.)

  • Cooking supplies: jug, ladle, pan, plate, pot, stove, and/or spoon

  • Pots/Billys (up to 6L)

  • Topographical maps of nearly all the wilderness areas in both the North and South Islands

  • Compasses (Silva type)

  • Emergency Locator Beacons (PLBs) and First aid kits

  • Head torches

  • Tramping Flies (basic lightweight shelter for bivvying and emergency)

Alpine Gear

There is also a range of alpine gear available, this can be loaned out by submitting the Alpine gear loan form well in advance:

  • Pickup is on the Thursday evening before your trip after 8pm. 

  • A deposit may be required (especially for longer trips, and those requiring technical gear).  As the primary loaner you are responsible for all loss or damage to the equipment. Equipment lost, stolen or damaged will be charged for at replacement cost at the Alpine Officers discretion. 

  • You will also need to have completed the appropriate level of snowcraft training (such as one of our snowskools) before hiring out alpine gear.

  • Contact our Alpine Officer ( for any questions.

More details are available on the AURAC Alpine Gear Page.


Alternative Gear Hire

If our gear is not available or suitable and can’t find anyone to borrow off, try Living Simply (Newmarket) for good quality gear hire.

Damaged or Lost Gear

This is assessed on a case by case basis. If the gear is lost or damaged due to negligence/poor treatment then you may be expected to cover some of the cost of replacement. However, we do understand that you are taking gear into often harsh environments and accidents or damage can and does happen. As a general rule, if you are using it appropriately and it gets lost/damaged, you won't be expected to contribute.

Where To Buy Gear

See discounts for AUTC members. You can use your club card or an email from the club mailing list as evidence of membership.

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