Kauri Dieback
From 1 May 2018, Controlled Area Notices were put in place in parts of the Waitākere Ranges and the Hunua Ranges in order to prevent the spread of Kauri Dieback.
Additionally a number of forested regions and tracks across the Auckland region have been also been closed.
See below for more information on closures and restrictions

What is Kauri Dieback?
Kauri dieback is caused by the fungus-like pathogen Phytophthora agathidicida. It spreads with soil movement, including:
on footwear and other clothing and gear
on vehicles driven in affected areas
by animals – including wild pigs, stock and pets.
Kauri trees can be infected for a long time before they show any signs of the disease. Most, if not all, infected trees die.
To find out more about Kauri Dieback, click HERE.

What is a Controlled Area Notice?
A Controlled Area Notice is part of the Biosecurity Act.
Under this notice, anyone entering the area must not have any visible soil on their footwear or equipment, and must use the hygiene stations at the track entrances and exits.
To find out more about the Controlled Area Notice, click HERE.
Track/Region Closures
In addition to the Controlled Area Notice, a number of track and forested regions have been closed by Auckland Council, to prevent travel in particularly vulnerable areas.
To find out which tracks have been closed, click HERE.

Due to these track closures, our club hut Ongaruanuku in the Waitakere ranges is closed until further notice.
AUTC has been given special permission to enter to perform hut maintenance and pest baiting around the hut.